Explore real success stories from those who took the leap and put their trust into Dr. Colette’s hands.

“I work in sales where first impressions count, and I don’t feel like people are staring at my face anymore.“
,”I went off the pill after a decade of using it to control my acne. I hoped that my hormones would behave but no such luck. Thankfully, a friend told me about Dr. Colette. The process was fascinating. I thought I new myself well, but that experience was next level. Needless to say, I finally understand how my body ticks, what it needs and how to get myself back on track when life’s circumstances throw a curve ball. Let me tell you — it feels SO good!” — Theresa

“Flawless wedding photos! In addition to the stress of planning a wedding, there was the unpredictability of my skin. I had suffered from acne and rosacea for years. I couldn’t figure out what caused the breakouts. There was no pattern. I became a concealer connoisseur, which I’m sure only made matters worse. Then, a friend recommended Dr. Colette. I went through her program and saw improvements within weeks. I learned so much about my overall health profile and how to live in a way that created balance within my body. I feel way more resilient now. My acne anxiety is gone for good.”
— Jordan
“I feel way more resilient now.
My acne anxiety is gone for good.”

“I didn’t have acne as a teenager, so I was very surprised when I started having regular breakouts in my junior year in college. Small pimples on my forehead to start. It was easy to manage at first, but it just got worse and worse over the years. I had tried so many different ‘cures’ on my own, but nothing helped. I knew I needed help, but I didn’t want to take antibiotics or the BCP. I found Dr. Colette online, and looking at my face in the morning is now an actual delight. Plus, my energy, sleep and mood all improved. I thought I only needed to fix my face, but at the end of the program, I realized other areas of my health were not functioning optimally, and that manifested in my skin. It was a game-changer!”
— Sarah

“I can’t get over how good my skin looks now! It’s been a journey. I suffered from acne as a teenager, briefly, but then it reappeared in my late 20’s. I literally tried everything. I truly believed nothing would help. In a moment of desperation, I started working with Dr. Colette. Everything changed. I started looking at my skin and my health in a totally different way. The pieces fell into place, and I was able to understand what was happening and how I could actually change my skin reality. It was the best 6-month investment I’ve ever made!”
— Candace
“I figured out how to take care of myself and give my body what it needed. It needed a revolution.“
“When menopause hit, it felt like my skin changed overnight. It became very dry and lost its plump firmness. I also had some other symptoms related to menopause. I absolutely did not want to go on hormone therapy because of the associated long-term health risks, but I also didn’t want sagging skin! Dr. Colette really helped me learn how to balance my body during this time of rapid change. I figured out how to take care of myself and give my body what it needed. I’m not saying I look like I’m 25 again, but I really do feel very healthy, and I definitely look significantly younger than the age listed on my diver’s license!”
— Melissa

“My skin used to cause the most stress in my life!”
“I developed rosacea after the birth of my daughter. I could not figure it out. My diet has always been very clean, I exercise, and my stress level is not outrageously high. My skin was actually causing the most stress in my life! I keep hearing Dr. Colette’s words, ‘Live in partnership with your body.’ That’s exactly what she taught me how to do. I feel like I have a 360-degree insight into my health. I rarely have flareups now, and when I do, they are super minimal and don’t last long at all. I would recommend Skin Revolution to anyone who wants to understand their unique health profile in a comprehensive way and figure out why they are having skin problems.”
— Liz
Feeling confused, frustrated and absolutely hopeless when trying to find a solution to your skin challenges?
You may feel like your body is betraying you, and no matter what you try, nothing works.
That creates a buildup of negative emotions, which initiates the development of even more pronounced skin reactions into motion.
I want to give you the tools you need to develop a comprehensive strategy that finally puts you in the ‘driver’s seat,’ and not merely at the will of the latest craze or a failing medicinal regimen.